What happens in a BWRT® session?

If you’ve had any kind of therapy or counselling session, you’ll know it can sometimes be awkward, frustrating or even traumatic, as your brain mulls over problems, past and present.

Brain Working Recursive Therapy is a technique used by the counsellor that will give you the tools enabling you to reprogram your emotional or habitual responses, through the power of your thought alone. It uses natural psychological processes to recondition neural pathways in the brain that lead to unwanted behaviour With BWRT® you don’t need to discuss the cause or root of the problem in much detail, making the experience a lot more comfortable and in some way effortless.

​A BWRT® session usually takes around an hour.

During the session, the counsellor will ask you to focus on a memory which has caused you to think, feel and behave in a certain way. The technique used will require you to shift your focus to how you would rather feel, think and behave. Essentially you will freeze the response before it goes past your limbic part of your brain – rather than letting the action or emotion form.

Acting at this crucial, innate position in your brain, BWRT® allows you to create a more empowering – but still realistic, possible, plausible response, replacing those older feelings, fears or insecurities. It takes that false, scared or limited response away and trades it with who you really want to be and how you would really like to respond. In essence, it’s a natural and practical form of counselling, and the best thing is, that the change comes completely from within you.

The counselling is largely content free. The technique uses the client’s own thought process to effect a release from the symptomatic pattern. There is a strict protocol that ensures maximum effectiveness and complete safety.

This technique can be used on Children, Teens and Adults

Mandy-Leigh is a qualified Level 1 BWRT® practitioner.

The following can be treated with remarkable success –

  • Sexual Trauma
  • Trauma
  • Anger
  • Grief
  • Commitment Anxiety
  • Phobias and Fears
  • Success Inhibition
  • Fear of failure
  • Self-Worth
  • Self-Confidence Issues
  • Fear of Authority

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